Michael Mizwicki: Clyde K. Watson Award
George Lohens: Jan Cannon Award
Ava Romero: Virginia Feurer Award
Olivia Deluca: Good Food Pantry Award
Martin McGovern/Scottie Wind Memorial Scholarship Award
Anne Honan
Mia Pearl
Alana Voris
Ava Amelio
Izabela Bisiak
Kaitlyn Brown
Livia Jolineau
Amina Grade Memorial Fund Award
Andrew Zimmerman
Lily Heneghan (junior)
Kara Chaplin (junior)
Caitlin Vengazo (junior)
Ava Jurek (junior)
Brendan Owens
Sophia Calderon
Conielena (Elena) Siatos
Marete Austrins
Courtney Miller
Daniela Rescigno
Liam Charley
Owen Charley
Sofia Nigro
Brandon Huovie
Michael Simmons
Veronika Kubisova
Alex Lohens
Mia Jolineau
Elliott Natura
Isabelle Nawara
Sophia Gianaris
James Johnston
Elizabeth Biderman
Clyde K. Watson Award: Dr. Watson was the first principal at Maine South beginning in 1964. The student given this award must exemplify exceptional personal accomplishment and scholastic achievement. (This scholarship is awarded to the scholarship recipient with the highest ranked application.)
Jan Cannon Award: Jan Cannon was a long time career counselor and school liaison to the MSPSC. The student given this award has exemplified a natural mentoring ability, participated in school activities, has an outstanding academic achievement, has high goals and has expressed an interest in the field of education. (This scholarship is awarded to the scholarship recipient who has expressed an interest in the field of education.)
Virginia Feurer Award: Virginia Feurer was a long time career counselor and school liaison to the MSPSC. The student given this award must demonstrate enthusiasm for learning, academic effort, school and community service, compassion, positive outlook and a sense of humor. (This scholarship is awarded to the scholarship recipient who has exhibited a high level of volunteerism.)
Good Food Pantry Scholarship The Good Food Pantry scholarship is awarded to a student who has at least 3 categories of the following: student athlete, member of National Honor Society, demonstrates community involvement through volunteering, active in a club or student government at Maine South, and has a GPA of 3.0 or above.
Martin McGovern/Scottie Wind Memorial Scholarship Award: Both were Maine South graduates, good friends and both tragically taken from us too soon. This special scholarship, in their memory, is given to recipients who have excelled in soccer, music, student council and foreign language. All areas that were very important to them.
Amina Grace Memorial Fund Scholarship The Amina Grace Memorial Fund was started in memory of 5-year-old Amina Grace Cullen Ali, a child with Down syndrome who passed away in 2014 at the age of 5. The fund is to honor Amina Grace’s life and change the way the world sees people with differing abilities. The mission of the fund is to see the value in every person and realize that all people have amazing abilities but sometimes they may need a little help to live up to their full potential. Including everyone and promoting acceptance adds value to the community and society. Inclusion can start with a small gesture like a smile, a wave or inviting someone to join your lunch table. This could build to inviting someone to join you at school dance or sport, hang out after school or join you at a party. Students must demonstrate leadership or involvement in advocating for and championing inclusion and awareness efforts for those with differing abilities and can be awarded to juniors or seniors.